Terms of service (agreement)

Edited on February 19, 2025

If you disagree with the terms of this Agreement for any reason, do not use the Platform (as defined below) and do not register on it.


1.1. This Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is an offer from an FAANG ONLINE SERVICES LTD (hereinafter referred to as the Copyright Holder), who grants the right to access the platform located on the Internet at faang-school.com and its subdomains (hereinafter referred to as the Platform), to any individual who has reached the age of majority or has acquired legal capacity (hereinafter referred to as the User), to use the Platform (as defined below), accept this Agreement on the terms set out below. The Copyright Holder and the User are collectively referred to as the "Parties" in the Agreement.

1.2. The Copyright Holder reserves the right to change, add or delete the clauses of this Agreement at any time without notifying the User.

1.3. Continued use of the Platform by the User means acceptance of the Agreement and the amendments made to this Agreement.

1.4. The User is personally responsible for checking this Agreement for any changes to it.


2.1. The terms listed below have the following meanings for the purposes of this Agreement:

2.1.1. Website is an Internet resource located on the domain name faang-online.com (including all domain levels), which is a website containing information about the Platform and Programs.  

2.1.2. "Platform faang-school.com "or "Platform" is a computer program. Depending on the context, the Platform also refers to the Platform's software and design (graphic design). Platforms, database, any section (subsection) of the relevant website, as well as information posted on the website by the Platform Administration.

2.1.3. "Agreement" is a public offer by the Copyright Holder addressed to any individual to conclude a license agreement with him on the terms described in the Agreement. The Agreement is published on the Internet at: https://www.faang-online.com/agreement.

2.1.4. "Acceptance" means the full and unconditional acceptance (unconditional acceptance) by the User of the terms of the Agreement. The unconditional acceptance of the Agreement is the fulfillment of the requirements specified in section 5 of the Agreement.

2.1.5. "User" means any natural person who has reached the age of legal capacity, who has the legal capacity to independently conclude civil law contracts, who has concluded and accepted the terms of the Agreement by accepting it.

2.1.6. "Platform Administration" means employees authorized to manage the Platform and persons acting on behalf of the Copyright Holder.

2.1.7. "Simple (non-exclusive) license" means the User's right to use the intellectual property object of the Copyright Holder, which is the Platform, its individual parts, and any other internal elements, while retaining the right of the Copyright Holder to grant licenses to other persons.

2.1.8. "Program" means information posted on the Platform, access to which is provided to the User on the basis of a Simple (non-exclusive) license for a fee or free of charge at the same time as access to the Platform. The content of the Program is a set of interrelated materials: audio materials, video materials, text materials, photos, webinars, streaming audio-visual messages (streams), etc. etc., united by a single or similar theme and intended for self-study by the User and for obtaining new information about the topic of the corresponding Program.

2.1.9. The "Content of the Platform" (hereinafter referred to as the Content) — protected results of intellectual activity, including Programs, workshops, their names, illustrations, annotations, covers, audio and video materials, texts, textual, photographic, derivative, composite and other works, user interfaces, visual interfaces, trademark names, logos, computer programs, databases, as well as design, the structure, selection, coordination, appearance, general style and arrangement of this Content included in the Platform and other intellectual property objects all together and/or separately contained on the Platform.

2.1.10. "Content" means any information, including text, graphics, audio and video materials, which are posted by the Copyright Holder, or the Administration of the Platform or the User and which can be accessed using the Platform.

2.1.11. "Account" is an account on the Platform to which the User receives personal access after completing registration and/or authorization through the Platform. The Platform Administration has the right to provide the User with the opportunity to create one Account on the Platform. If a User creates more than one Account, the Platform Administration reserves the right to delete the accounts created by the User and/or refuse the User to use the Platform.

2.1.12. "User Profile" / "Profile" is a special subsection located on the Platform and containing information about the User, as well as other information that only this User can post.

2.1.13. "Program Duration" is the time interval that is necessary for the User to familiarize himself with the content of the relevant Program on the Platform. This quantitative indicator can be expressed in hours, days, weeks, and months. The duration of the program for each relevant Program is indicated on the Program page on the Website. The countdown for the Duration of the Program for each User begins from the moment the User opens access to the first section of the selected Program on the Platform and does not stop if the Program is replaced at the User's request.


3.1. The subject of this Agreement is the granting by the Copyright Holder to the User of the right to use the Platform and the Content of the Platform, within the limits established by this Agreement, on the basis of a Simple (non-exclusive) license without the right to sublicense, on a paid or, by decision of the Copyright Holder, free of charge in accordance with the procedure and on the terms of this Agreement. The Copyright Holder grants the User access only to the part of the Platform that corresponds to the Program selected by the User.

3.1.1. A User who has been granted access to the Platform and the Content of the Platform in the form of a simple (non-exclusive) license on a paid basis or, by decision of the Copyright Holder, free of charge, has the following powers and prohibitions:

  • The User has the right to view the Content and the Content located on the Platform.;
  • The User has the right to receive comments and clarifications from the Platform Administration on issues related to the Content on the Platform, which the User has access to on a paid or free basis.
  • The user does not have the right to make video and audio recordings of the Content to which he has gained access.;
  • The user does not have the right to transfer the license on the basis of a sublicense;
  • The User does not have the right to sell or otherwise alienate the information received, which he has gained access to on the Platform.;
  • The User has no right to provide access to the Content located on the Platform through his Account to third parties;
  • The User has no right to copy in whole or in part the Content that is provided to him on the Platform, and to post such copied Content in open, closed and other types of access on the Internet, on electronic, printed media or in any other form.

3.1.2. All existing (actually functioning) functions of the Platform, as well as any subsequent modifications and additional functions of the Platform appearing in the future, are subject to this Agreement.

3.2. Access to the Platform and to the Content posted on it is carried out on a paid basis or, according to the decision of the Copyright Holder, free of charge.

3.3. This Agreement is a public offer. By accessing the Platform, the User is considered to have joined this Agreement.

3.4. The use of the Platform and its Content are regulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.

3.5. The moment when the Copyright Holder fully fulfills its obligations under this Agreement is the moment when the User is granted a simple (non-exclusive) license to the Platform and its Content, that is, access to the Platform is granted.

3.6. The territory where the terms of this Agreement apply is the whole world.


4.1. The Copyright Holder has the right:

4.1.1. To change the terms of use of the Platform, as well as to change the Content at any time. These changes may be of the following nature:

  • changing the Program structure;
  • correction and updating of Program information;
  • changing the duration of Programs;
  • changing the cost of Programs, conducting promotions and setting discounts;
  • making changes to any other sections of the Platform and to the Content.

The list of possible changes specified in clause 4.1.1. of the Agreement is not exhaustive. The Copyright Holder has the right to make any changes to the Content. The Copyright Holder separately notes that changes related to the Programs should not fundamentally change the content of the Programs, unless such changes are intended to improve or modernize the content of the Programs.

4.1.2. Restrict the User's use of the Platform sections in case the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

4.1.3. At its sole discretion, set the amount of payment charged for providing access to the Content, subscriptions and other services and functions available on the Platform on a paid basis.

4.1.4. Unilaterally amend the Agreement at any time at its discretion. Such changes will take effect at the time of publication of the new version of the Agreement on the Internet at https://www.faang-online.com/agreement. At the same time, in terms of the amount of remuneration for access already granted, the old version of the Agreement remains in effect for the Parties without changes. Otherwise, the updated provisions of the Agreement are retroactive.

4.2. The User has the right to:

4.2.1. Get access to the Content based on the Agreement.

4.2.2. Use all available functions on the Platform, as well as acquire the right to access Content on the Platform at prices set by the Copyright Holder.

4.2.3. Ask any questions related to the Content and functionality of the Platform.

4.2.4. Use the Platform solely for the purposes and in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the Agreement.

4.3. The User undertakes to:

4.3.1. To provide, upon request of the Copyright Holder and the Administration of the Platform, additional information that is directly related to the Content and functionality of the Platform.

4.3.2. To respect the property and non-property rights of the authors and other copyright holders when using the Platform and interacting with the Content.

4.3.3. Do not take actions that may be considered as disrupting the normal operation of the Platform.

4.3.4. Do not distribute any confidential information about individuals or legal entities protected by the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus using the Platform.

4.3.5. Avoid any actions that may violate the confidentiality of information protected by the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.

4.3.6. Do not use the Platform to distribute advertising information, except with the consent of the Platform Administration.

4.3.7. Do not use the Platform for the purpose of:

  • uploading content and posting messages that are illegal, violate any rights of third parties; promote violence, cruelty, hatred and (or) discrimination on racial, national, sexual, religious, social grounds; contain false information and (or) insults against specific individuals, organizations, authorities;
  • incitement to commit illegal acts, as well as assistance to persons whose actions are aimed at violating restrictions and prohibitions in force on the territory of the Republic of Cyprus;
  • violations of the rights of minors and (or) harming them in any form;
  • infringement of the rights of minorities;
  • impersonating another person or a representative of an organization and/or community without sufficient rights, including employees of the Service and Online resources;
  • misleading about the properties and characteristics of any functionality or content of the Platform;
  • incorrect comparison of the Content, including any materials, in any format, of the Platform as such, as well as the formation of a negative attitude towards persons who (have not) received online access to the Content, or the condemnation of such persons.

4.4. The User is prohibited from:

4.4.1. Use any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic devices or equivalent manual processes to access, purchase, copy or track the content of the Platform;

4.4.2. Disrupt the proper functioning of the Platform;

4.4.3. Circumvent the navigation structure of the Platform in any way to obtain or attempt to obtain any information, documents or materials by any means that are not specifically provided by the services of this Platform.;

4.4.4. Unauthorized access to the functions of the Platform, any other systems or networks related to this Platform, as well as to any services based on the content of the Platform;

4.4.5. Violate the security or authentication system of the Platform or in any network related to the Platform.

4.4.6. Perform a reverse search, track or attempt to track any information about any other User of the Platform.

4.4.7. To use the Platform and Content for any purposes prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as to incite any illegal activity or other activity that violates the rights of the Internet resource or other persons.

4.4.8. Use obscene language, insults, threats and show aggression towards other Users, the Copyright Holder, the authors of the Programs, the Administration of the platform.

4.4.9. In case of violation of the provisions 4.3.7 - 4.4.8, the Copyright Holder reserves the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally and close access to the Platform for a day or more, after electronic notification of the User to the email address specified by the User when filling out the form on the Website.

4.5. The Copyright Holder is obliged to:

4.5.1. Grant the User the right to access the Content and functionality of the Platform on the terms of this Agreement and on the terms specified on the relevant Program pages on the Platform, which specify prices, terms and other necessary conditions.

4.5.2. Advise the User on issues related to the Platform and Content. The complexity of the issue, the scope, and the timing of the consultation are determined by the Copyright Holder and the Platform Administration on a case-by-case basis independently.


5.1. Acceptance under the Agreement is the sending of data through any feedback forms located on the Internet site at faang.school or on its other subdomains (including on the pages of the relevant Programs on the Platform).

5.2. By making an Acceptance in accordance with clause 5.1. of the Agreement, the User guarantees that he has fully read, agrees and unconditionally accepts all the terms of this Agreement.

5.3. The User confirms that Acceptance of the Agreement is equivalent to concluding a Contract on the terms set out in the Agreement.

5.4. The Offer comes into force from the moment its text is posted on the Internet at the following addresses: https://www.faang-online.com/agreement.


6.1. Any individual who has visited and viewed at least one page of the Platform without authorization and initial registration on the Platform is considered a user of the Platform.

6.2. In order to use certain individual functions of the Platform and gain access to individual Content elements, the User must complete the authorization procedure using their unique individual data. A unique Account will be created for the User, and he will become an authorized User of the Platform.

6.3. The Authorized User gets the right to use the features and functionality of the Platform, which may (at the sole discretion of the Platform Administration) be provided free of charge or with payment.

6.4. In order to obtain the right to use the functions of the Platform and gain access to individual Content elements, the User must complete the authorization procedure. If during the authorization process the User provides false information about himself or the Platform Administration has reason to doubt the accuracy of the information received from the User, the Platform Administration has the right to block or delete the User's Account and refuse the User to use the Platform and withdraw his access to the Content.

6.5. The User is not entitled to use the Platform if he has not reached the required legal age for entering into an Agreement or has not fulfilled other conditions established by law.

6.6. The User agrees to receive notifications from the Platform Administration through the communication channels specified by the User during authorization. The right to form the content of notifications is assigned to the Platform Administration.

6.7. The User is responsible for the security of his credentials and for using the Platform under his Account, except in cases where the User has notified the Platform Administration of unauthorized access to his Account, authorization tool, or violation of the confidentiality of his password.

6.8. Information posted on the Platform should not be interpreted as an amendment to this Agreement.

6.9. The Platform Administration has the right to make changes to the list of functionality or content offered by the Platform and/or the prices applicable to such functionality or services on the Platform at any time without notifying the User.

6.10. Each authorized User who has acquired access to the Platform and the corresponding Program is granted access to the adaptation section of the Platform without exception. This section is unified for all Users and is required for review before the User accesses the Platform section with the Program purchased by the User. The Copyright Holder separately notes that the cost of access to such an adaptation section of the Platform is included in the cost of any access to the Platform, regardless of the chosen Program, and amounts to 30% (thirty percent) of the User's paid access to the Platform. The Copyright Holder separately notes that familiarizing the User with the adaptation section of the Platform is not included in the duration of the program.


7.1. According to clause 3.1. of this Agreement, the Copyright Holder, in order to provide the User with online access to the Programs, provides the User of the Platform with a simple (non-exclusive) license without the right to sublicense on a paid basis or, by decision of the Copyright Holder, free of charge.

7.2. The validity period of each specific license is limited by the term of the agreement and is equal to the period indicated on the page of the corresponding Program on the Website and its subdomains.

7.3. The rights transferred to the User are reflected in clause 3.1.1. of the Agreement.

7.4. The amount of remuneration for granting the right to the User is determined in accordance with the information posted on the web pages on the Website in the relevant sections and tabs for each Program. Access to each Program and to the functionality of the Platform is provided to the User on the terms of advance payment in cashless form or payment by credit or installments, as well as using the Yandex Pay service. The payment method is selected when placing the order.

7.5. Advance payment of remuneration is made in the amount of 100% (one hundred percent) of the cost of the Program selected by the User at a time in rubles within 3 (three) banking days from the date of registration of the application for access to the selected Program.

7.6. Payment by credit or installments is made in the amount and within the time limits approved by the bank issuing the loan or providing installments to the User to purchase access to the relevant Program.

7.6.1. In case of payment by credit or installments and the User withdraws from the Agreement, the Copyright Holder returns the funds to the User only from the amount of the remuneration paid and does not reimburse the interest/expenses incurred by the User upon conclusion of the agreement with the bank.

7.7.The copyright holder has no influence on the amount of interest on the loan, the timing and number of payments. The Copyright Holder is not responsible for the result of contractual and financial legal relations between the User and the lender bank, which provides the User with a loan or installment plan for the purchase of access to the Platform and/or Programs.

7.8. The Copyright Holder draws the attention of Users to the fact that refunds for the provision of a simple (non-exclusive) license under this Agreement can only be made by decision of the Copyright Holder or the Administration of the platform on an individual basis.

7.8.1. In case of refusal of the Offer on the User's initiative, provided that the User pays 100% in advance for access to the Program and the Platform, the following terms and conditions of refund apply: The refund amount is calculated taking into account the retention of funds by the Copyright Holder, taking into account clause 6.10. of this Agreement. The amount of funds to be refunded under the circumstances described in clause of the Offer is calculated using the following formula:
X = 0.7*A/B*C
The variable “X" is the amount of money to be refunded.;
The variable “A” is the amount of funds paid for access to the Program selected by the User.;
The variable “B” is the duration of the program.;
The “C” variable is the number of days remaining from the “B” variable after the Copyright Holder receives a notification from the User about the withdrawal from the Agreement. The Copyright Holder separately notes that the date on which the User is granted access to their chosen Program is the date on which access to the first section of their chosen Program is opened on the Platform.

7.8.2. In case of refusal of the Offer on the User's initiative, when the User pays money for access to the Program and Platform in the installment format provided by the Copyright Holder, the following terms and conditions of refund apply. The refund amount is calculated taking into account the retention of funds by the Copyright Holder, taking into account clause 6.10. of this Agreement.

The copyright holder separately notes that in case of late installment payments, the User may be refused a refund. The amount of funds to be refunded under the circumstances described in clause of the Offer is calculated using the following formula:
X = 0.7 *A/B*C
The variable “X" is the amount of money to be refunded.;
The variable “A” is the sum of all payments that were paid by the User on the date of the notification of the refund.;
The variable “B” is the number of days paid by the User as of the date of notification of the refund.;
The variable “C” is the number of days remaining after the date the User sends a notification of a refund within the period paid by the User (the number of days until the date of the next installment payment).

7.8.3. In case of refusal of the Offer on the initiative of the Copyright Holder, provided that the User pays 100% in advance for access to the Program and the Platform, the following terms and conditions of refund apply:

The amount of funds to be refunded is calculated using the following formula:
X = A/B*C
The variable “X" is the amount of money to be refunded.;
The variable “A” is the amount of funds paid for access to the Program selected by the User.;
The variable “B" is the number of days allowed for a full review of the content of the Program selected by the User. This quantitative indicator is posted on the page of the corresponding Program on the website located on the Internet. https://www.faang.school and its subdomains, and can be expressed in hours, days, weeks, and months.;
The “C” variable is the number of days remaining from the “B” variable after the Copyright Holder receives a notification from the User about the withdrawal from the Agreement. The Copyright Holder separately notes that the date on which the User is granted access to the Program of his choice is the date on which the invitation link is sent to the User by the Administration of the platform.

7.8.4. In case of refusal of the Offer on the initiative of the Copyright Holder, when the User pays money for access to the Program and Platform in the installment format provided by the Copyright Holder, the following terms and conditions of refund apply.

The amount of funds to be refunded is calculated using the following formula:
X = A/B*C
The variable “X" is the amount of money to be refunded.;
The variable “A” is the sum of all payments that were paid by the User on the date of the notification of the refund.;
The variable “B” is the number of days paid by the User as of the date of notification of the refund.;
The variable “C” is the number of days remaining after the date the User sends a notification of a refund within the period paid by the User (the number of days until the date of the next installment payment).

7.8.5. For the avoidance of doubt, this Agreement stipulates that if the Offer is rejected on the User's initiative, provided that the User pays for access to the Platform and the Program using credit funds, the Copyright Holder also has the right to withhold funds equal to the amount of the bank commission that was paid in favor of the Credit Institution when making a loan agreement with such a User.

7.9. The Copyright Holder notes, and the User agrees, that in case of violation by the User of the license usage rules established by this Agreement in clause 3.1.1., the Copyright Holder has the right to unilaterally, out of court revoke the license provided by this Agreement from the User without refund, and without any other compensation and payments.

7.10. If the reason for the cancellation of the Agreement on the initiative of the Copyright Holder was the grounds in clauses 4.3. - 4.4. and their sub-clauses of the Agreement, the Copyright Holder will not refund the funds to the User. The User's license is unilaterally revoked, and the Copyright Holder does not reimburse the User for any costs, expenses or losses.

7.11. The Parties have agreed that after the refund of funds to the User, for any reason, access to the materials of the relevant Programs and to the functionality of the Platform will be withdrawn.

7.12. The refund is carried out within 30 (thirty) business days from the date of the User's request for a refund. The funds are refunded to the same bank details from which they were received, or to other banking details, as well as using the Yandex Pay service.

7.13. The Parties separately note and agree that the provisions for calculating the refund of funds have been accepted by all Parties to this Agreement and are binding in case of situations in which funds are refunded under this Agreement.


8.1. The Parties to this Agreement are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.

8.2. The Copyright Holder is not responsible for the impossibility of using the Platform for commercial or business purposes. The Programs and the Platform are provided to the User on the terms of business practices in the field of information technology "as is" and "as presented", which means limiting the Copyright Holder's liability for the Platform, Content and Programs to the maximum extent possible, that is, without any express or implied guarantees regarding the Platform, Content and Programs. The Copyright Holder is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses incurred by the User or third parties, as well as for lost profits as a result of the Platform's activities. Also, the Copyright Holder does not guarantee the absence of errors and failures in the operation of the Platform.

8.3. A User who considers the information on the Platform to directly violate someone's rights or interests may contact a representative of the Copyright Holder to resolve disagreements caused by the information posted on the Platform.

8.4. The Copyright Holder has the right to terminate the Agreement with the User at any time (to refuse to execute the Agreement), including if the User has violated any provision of the Agreement or committed actions that clearly indicate that the User does not intend or is unable to comply with the provisions of the Agreement. In this case, the User loses the right to use a simple (non-exclusive) license and the Copyright Holder has the right to claim damages.

8.5. The User agrees that he is solely responsible (and that the Copyright Holder is not responsible to the User or any third parties) for any violation by the User of his obligations established by this Agreement, as well as for all consequences of such violations (including any losses or damages that the Copyright Holder may suffer).

8.6. The User undertakes to protect the Copyright Holder, its participants, directors, officers and representatives from direct or indirect damage, fines, penalties and other consequences of the User's failure to fulfill his obligations under this Agreement. In this case, the User undertakes to act on the side of the defendant (civil, administrative) instead of the Copyright Holder, undertakes to participate and submit the necessary materials and evidence, minimizing the costs of the Copyright Holder for such legal processes.

8.7. The Copyright Holder is responsible to the User only within the limits of the paid simple (non-exclusive) license.

8.8. The Copyright Holder is the legal owner and holder of the exclusive rights to the Platform and the Content posted on the Platform, as well as the holder of the rights to the software, designs and other materials on the Platform. The User bears full responsibility for violations of the rights to such works and materials of the Copyright Holder and the authors of the works. It is prohibited to copy any works presented on the Platform without the official written permission of the Copyright Holder and the signing of the relevant Agreement, unless otherwise specified below.

8.9. The Copyright Holder is not responsible for the materials posted by Users on the Platform. The Copyright Holder reserves the right to make a decision on deleting or partially editing the material posted by Users if these materials violate the provisions of this Agreement or the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.

8.10. The Copyright Holder is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, as well as for possible damage resulting from:

  • illegal actions of the User on the Internet aimed at violating information security or the normal functioning of the Platform and (or) other software;
  • failures in the operation of the Platform and/or other software caused by errors in the code, computer viruses and other extraneous code fragments in the software;
  • absence (inability to establish, terminate, etc.) of the User's Internet connections;
  • carrying out activities by state and municipal bodies, as well as other organizations within the framework of the system of operational search activities;
  • the establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) of the economic activities of commercial organizations on the Internet and/or the establishment by these entities of one-time restrictions that make it difficult or impossible to fulfill this Agreement;
  • other cases related to action (inaction) Internet users and/or other entities aimed at worsening the overall situation with the use of the Internet and/or computer equipment;
  • use (inability to use) and any consequences of the User's use (inability to use) of the license and rights under this Agreement.
  • conclusion of a loan Agreement between a User and a Credit Institution in order to purchase access to the Platform's functionality and Programs on credit or in installments.


9.1. The Copyright Holder has the right to disclose any information collected about the User of the Platform if disclosure is necessary in connection with an investigation or complaint regarding the misuse of the Platform or to identify a User who may violate or interfere with the rights of the Copyright Holder or the rights of other Users of the Platform.

9.2. The Copyright Holder has the right to disclose any information about the User that it deems necessary to comply with the provisions of current legislation or court decisions, ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, protect the rights or safety of the name of the organization, Users.

9.3. The Copyright Holder has the right to disclose information about the User if the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus requires or permits such disclosure.

9.4. The Copyright Holder has the right to terminate and/or block access to the Platform without prior notice to the User if the User has violated this Agreement or the terms of use of the Platform contained in other documents, as well as in the event of termination of the Platform or due to a technical malfunction or problem.

9.5. The Platform Administration is not responsible to the User or third parties for termination of access to the Platform in case of violation by the User of any provision of this Agreement or other document containing the terms of use of the Platform.


10.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement if this non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, or if the non-fulfillment of obligations by the Parties under the Agreement was the result of extraordinary events that the Parties could not have foreseen or prevented by reasonable measures. Force majeure circumstances include events that a Party cannot influence and for which it is not responsible, including: war, uprising, strike, earthquake, flood, other natural disasters, fire, power supply failures that occurred through no fault of the Parties, actions and acts of authorities adopted after the conclusion of an Agreement and making it impossible to fulfill the obligations established by the Agreement, and other unforeseen circumstances and events and phenomena beyond the control of the parties, but not limited to the above.

10.2. Upon occurrence of the circumstances specified in clause 10.1. of this Agreement, the Party in respect of which such circumstances apply must, within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of occurrence of these circumstances, notify the other Party in writing (including sending an e-mail message and/or notification through the personal account).To Thoron. The occurrence and effect of these force majeure circumstances must be confirmed by the competent State authorities.

10.3. Upon the occurrence of the circumstances specified in clause 10.1. of this Agreement, the deadline for the fulfillment of obligations by the Parties under this Agreement shall be proportionately postponed for the period during which the said circumstances apply.


11.1. The Copyright Holder does not accept counter-offers from the User regarding amendments to this Agreement.

11.2. User reviews posted on the Platform are not confidential information and can be used by the Copyright Holder without restrictions.

11.3. The Platform may contain links to other websites on the Internet (third-party websites). These third parties and the content of their sites/content are not checked by the Copyright Holder for compliance with certain requirements (reliability, completeness, legality, etc.). The Copyright Holder is not responsible for any information, materials posted on third-party sites that the User accesses using the Platform, including for any opinions or statements expressed on third-party sites, advertising, etc., as well as for the availability of such sites or content and the consequences of their use by the user.

11.4. The Copyright Holder does not guarantee that the Platform meets the User's requirements, that access to the Platform will be​ ​ be provided continuously, quickly, reliably​ ​ and without mistakes.

11.5. Software and hardware errors on the part of both the Copyright Holder and the User, which led to the inability of the User to access the Platform, Content and/ or Programs, are force majeure circumstances and grounds for exemption from liability for non-fulfillment of obligations by the Copyright Holder under the Agreement.


12.1. The Copyright Holder acts in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus. Any claims, disputes, and official appeals will be considered exclusively in accordance with the procedure provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.

12.1.1. In the event of any disagreement or dispute between the Parties to this Agreement, a prerequisite before applying to the court is to file a claim (a written proposal for a voluntary settlement of the dispute).

12.1.2. The recipient of the claim shall, within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of its receipt, notify the claimant in writing of the results of the claim review.

12.1.3. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute on a voluntary basis, either Party has the right to apply to the court for protection of their rights, which are granted to them by the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.

12.1.4. Any claim regarding the terms of use of the Platform must be filed within the period after the grounds for the claim arise, with the exception of copyright protection for legally protected Content. In case of violation of the terms of this clause, any claim or grounds for action are extinguished by the statute of limitations.

12.2. This Agreement and the relations between the Copyright Holder and the User not regulated by this Agreement are subject to the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.

12.3. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, any notices, requests or other communications (correspondence) submitted by the Parties to each other must be in writing and sent to the receiving party. To the Party by mail, by sending registered correspondence, by e-mail (to and/or from the address of the Copyright Holder specified in this Agreement to and/or from the address of the User specified during registration on the Platform) or by courier, as deemed appropriate. The date of receipt of the correspondence is the date of receipt of the notification of the delivery of the postal item, including registered mail, electronic confirmation of delivery when sent by e–mail (or in the absence of such, the time of dispatch of the message), or the day of delivery if the correspondence is sent by courier. When disputes are considered in court, correspondence between the Parties by e-mail, as well as correspondence via the Platform or Chats, will be recognized by the Parties as sufficient evidence.

12.4. In the event of a change in the legal status, address, bank details, or data, the Party that has made such changes is obliged to notify the other Party by e-mail within 5 (five) business days from the date of such change. Until such notification is received, all operations performed using the previous banking details are considered to be properly performed.

12.5. If one or more provisions of this Agreement are invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other provisions of the Agreement that remain in force.

12.6. Without contradicting the terms of this Agreement, the Parties have the right at any time to formalize the Agreement in the form of a written two-sided document sealed and signed by the Parties.

12.7. During the term of this Agreement, as well as after its expiration, the Parties undertake not to disclose or use for their own benefit, as well as for the benefit of any third parties, any confidential information, including business, commercial, technical and other information that may not be known to the Parties.from publicly available sources, transmitted by one By the other side The party that became famous To the Parties in connection with the conclusion and execution of this Agreement.

12.8. The User is not entitled to transfer his rights and obligations under the Agreement to a third party without the written consent of the Copyright Holder.

12.9. The Copyright Holder has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under the Agreement to third parties, while the Copyright Holder notifies the User by posting information about such transfer on the Platform.

12.10. The User confirms that he has read all the terms of the Agreement, understands and accepts​ ​ their.


Gordonos, 17
3070 Limassol, Cyprus CY